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AOC Limoux machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of July 29, 1993 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 176 of August 1, 1993 Decree of May 4, 1995 relating to the controlled labels of origin, and - J.O Number 107 of May 6, 1995 Decree of June 23, 2004 modifying the decree of April 13, 1981 defining the controlled label of origin “Limoux” - J.O n° 146 of June 25, 2004 page 11546 Decree of February 21, 2005 modifying the decree of April 13, 1981 relating to the controlled label of origin “Limoux” - J.O n° 48 of February 26, 2005 page 3490 text n° 82 Article 1 (Replaced, D. of June 23, 2004) Only are entitled to L ? name D ? controlled origin “Limoux” the red and white still wines answering the conditions fixed hereafter. Article 2 These wines must result from grape harvest collected inside the delimited surface of production of name “Blanquette of Limoux” Article (à) (Added, D. of June 23, 2004) The wines result from collected grapes with L ? interior of L ? surface delimited of production of L ? name “Blanquette of Limoux” on pieces having made L ? object D ? a declaration D ? assignment near the services of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the latest on May 31 preceding harvest. This declaration D ? assignment is joined to the declaration of harvest. Article 3 (Replaced, D. July 29, 1993, Supplemented D. of June 23, 2004) To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Limoux”, the white wines must come from the type of vines mauzac (B), chardonnay (B) and chenin (B) other than very other. The mauzac must represent at least 15 p. 100 of encépagement. The wines must result from exploitation not comprising white hybrids. In this article, by the term encépagement, it is necessary to include/understand encépagement totality of the pieces producing the wine of name for the color considered. The red wines must come from following type of vines: merlot NR, frank cabernet NR, cabernet sauvignon NR, grenache NR, cot NR, syrah NR, carignan NR. The merlot NR must account for at least 50% of L ? encépagement. The type of vines grenache NR, cot NR, syrah NR, carignan NR must represent, together or separately, 30% minimum of L ? encépagement. The carignan NR cannot however not exceed 10% of L ? encépagement and could not be asserted any more starting from harvest 2010. The wine must come from L ? assembly D ? at least three type of vines, the two principal ones not being able encépagement to exceed more than 90% of L ?. Article 4 (Replaced, D. July 29, 1993, Replaced, D. May 4, 1995, Supplemented, D. of June 23, 2004) 1. Cut: Only to the controlled label of origin “Limoux” the wines are entitled coming from vines which were cut in accordance with the following provisions: has) For the type of vines mauzac and chenin: Either a short size with six is authorized coursons in two frank eyes, or a size with five let us coursons in two frank eyes and a courson in four frank eyes maximum. b) For the type of vine chardonnay: Is authorized either a simple size guyot comprising a rod in ten eyes maximum plus one or two let us coursons in two eyes, or a double size guyot comprising two rods in six eyes maximum plus two coursons in two frank eyes. c) For red type of vines: the short size with 6 is authorized coursons in 2 frank eyes maximum. D) For the type of vines syrah NR, frank cabernet NR, cabernet sauvignon NR, merlot NR and cot NR: is also authorized the long size with 6 eyes maximum and 1 to 2 let us coursons of return in 2 eyes maximum. 2. Density of plantation: The controlled label of origin “Limoux” is reserved for the wines coming from vines having a minimal density of 4.000 stocks at the hectare. The distance between the rows must be lower or equal to 2,50 meters.

Article 5 (Replaced, D. of June 23, 2004) For the white grapes, the basic output aimed at L ? article R. 641-

73 of the rural code is fixed at 7.500 kilogrammes of vintage to L ? hectare. The output stop envisaged with L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is fixed at 9.000 kilogrammes of vintage to L ? hectare. For the red wines, the basic output aimed at L ? article R. 641-73 of the rural code is fixed at 48 hectolitres with L ? hectare. The output stop envisaged with L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is fixed at 60 hectolitres with L ? hectare Article 6 (Replaced, D. July 29, 1993, Remplacé, D. of June 23, 2004) To be entitled to L ? name D ? controlled origin “Limoux”, the wines must come from grapes collected with the good maturity and present a natural voluminal alcoholometric title of 11% for the white and 12% for the reds. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 170 grams per liter of must for the white and 198 grams per liter for the reds. Article 7 (Supplemented D. July 29, 1993, Replaced D. of June 23, 2004; Replaced D. February 25, 2005) 1. For the development of the white wines, the use of any system of draining, pressing or pressing of the vintage by helicoid screws or press containing of the chains is prohibited. The alcoholic fermentation of these wines must be obligatorily made out of barrels of oak. These wines are high until May 1 at least of the year following that of harvest. This breeding must be obligatorily carried out in barrels of oak for the period active of the end of the alcoholic fermentation until January 1 of the year which follows that of harvest. 2. For the white and red wines, the recourse to the techniques of concentration is prohibited.

Article 8 (Modified, D. of June 23, 2004) The wines cannot be put in circulation with the controlled label of origin “Limoux” without a certificate issued by the national institute of the labels of origin of the wines and water-

to life under the conditions fixed by articles R. 641-94 at R. 641-98 of the rural code. Article 9 The wines for which, under the present decree, the controlled label of origin “Limoux is asserted” and which is presented under the aforementioned name cannot be declared, after harvest, offered to the consumers, dispatched, put on sale or sold without, in the declaration of harvest in the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, invoices, containers unspecified, name referred to above being accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée”, the whole in very apparent characters. On the labels, dimensions of the characters composing the word “Limoux” must be at least equal, as well in height as in width, with half of those of the largest characters appear on these same labels. Article 10 The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that wines are entitled to the controlled label of origin “Limoux” whereas they do not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree is continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin, without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary. Article 11 The decree of modified September 9, 1975 defining the controlled labels of origin “Blanquette of Limoux”, “natural Limoux” and “Wine of Blanquette” is repealed.

Article 12 The Minister for agriculture is in charge of the execution of this decree, which will be published in the Journal officiel de la République française. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19810413_73602/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOC Limoux_2005-
