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AOVDQS Côtes de Saint-Mont machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of October 1, 1997 relating to the label of origin delimited Wine of higher quality - J.O Number 244 of October 19, 1997

Art 1st. -

Only can be put on sale and to circulate for the sale under the label of origin “Côtes de Saint-Mont” accompanied by the mention “Wine delimited of higher quality”, the red, rosy wines and white which profiting under the terms of the law at May 6, 1919, modified in particular by the law of July 22, 1927, of this label of origin, are supplied with a label delivered under the conditions fixed at the present decree. Mention of this label with its number must be related to the titles of movement.

Art 2. The conditions of production to which these wines must answer are as follows: I. -

Surface of production It is consisted the delimited surface approved by the national committee of the national institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies in its meeting of February 12, 1981 inside the territory of the following communes: In the department of Gers. Canton of Aignan. Aignan, Avéron-Bergelle (started from commune), Bouzon-Gellenave, Castelnavet, Fustérouau, Loussous-Debate, Lupiac, Margoüet-Meymès, Pouydraguin, Sabazan, Saint-Pierre-in Aubézies, Sarragachies and Term-in Armagnac. Canton of Eauze. Dému (part of commune) and Séailles (started from commune). Canton of Marciac. Armentieux, Ladevèze-River and Ladevèze-City Canton of Montesquiou. Armous-and-Cau, Courties, Gazax-and-Baccarisse, Louslitges, Peyrusse-Large and Peyrusse-Old woman. Canton of Pleasure-of-Gers-Is Adour. Beaumarchés, Couloumé-Mondebat, Goux, Jû-Belloc, Lasserade, Pleasure-of-Gers, Saint-Aunix-Lengros, Tasque and Tieste-Uragnoux. Canton of Riscle Arblade-le-Bas, Aurensan, Barcelonne-of-Gers, Bernède, Caumont, Corneillan, Labarthète, Lannux, Lelin-Lapujolle, Maulichères, Projan, Riscle, Saint-Mount, Vergoignan (started from commune) and Verlus. In the department of the Moors. Canton of Surface-on-the Adour. Surface-on-the Adour (started from commune). II. - Encépagement (Replaced D. October 1, 1997) The red and rosy wines must come from following type of vines: Tannat NR: minimum 60% of encépagement; Iron-servadou NR: minimum 10% of encépagement; minimum 20% as from the year 2020; Frank cabernet NR; Cabernet Sauvignon NR; Merlot NR: the wines resulting from vines planted out of type of vine merlot before October 20, 1997 will be able to continue to profit from name “Côtes de Saint-Mont” until harvest 2020 included. The wines must result from the assembly comprising at least the type of vines tannat and iron-servadou. The white wines must come from following type of vines: Arrufiac b: minimum 20% of encépagement; Small courbu b: minimum 20% of encépagement; Small manseng b: maximum 20% of encépagement; Large manseng B; Small manseng and large manseng together will not have encépagement to represent more than 60% of white. Pale b: authorized until harvest 2020 included. The wines must result from the assembly of at least three type of vines. In this title, by the term “encépagement”, it is necessary to include/understand encépagement of the whole of the pieces producing the wine of name considered. III. - Richness of the products (D. October 1, 1997 Replaces) The grapes must be collected with good maturity and to naturally have for each batch of vintage a high content in minimum sugar of 162 grams per liter of must. The red, rosy and white wines must present an alcoholometric title voluminal minimum asset of 10% vol. before enrichment and a maximum total voluminal title alcoholometric of 13% flight. The sugar content residual must be lower than 4 grams per liter for the white wines and than 5 grams per liter for the red and rosy wines. IV. - Quantum (Replaced D. October 1, 1997) The quantum with the hectare envisaged by article 5 of the decree of November 30, 1960 is fixed at 60 hectolitres per hectare of vine in production. The labellisable maximum is fixed at 69 hectolitres with the hectare. The benefit of name can be granted to the wines coming from the young vines only as from the second year following that during which the plantation was carried out places from there before August 31. V. - farming Methods (Replaced D. October 1, 1997) The density of plantation must be at least 3.600 feet to the hectare for the plantations carried out after October 20, 1997. The vines not answering the minimal density of 3.600 feet to the hectare will profit from the right to name “Côtes de Saint-Mont” until their pulling up or at the latest until harvest 2020 included. The spacing between the rows is to the maximum of 2,50 meters. The feet double are prohibited. Only the simple size Guyot or double Guyot is authorized. The load should not exceed 60.000 frank eyes with the hectare. Vl. - Technology (Replaced D. October 1, 1997) Only the manual grape harvest is authorized except exemption granted by the services of the national Institute of the labels of origin on request of the trade union of defense of name due to exceptional climatic conditions. The capacity of the containers of transport of the grape harvest cannot be higher than 5 tons. The draining of the containers of transport should be done only by gravity. The use of continuous presses is prohibited. The rosy wines must be worked out by bleeding. The red wines must result from grapes picked off, before the encuvage. Malolactic fermentation must be completed at the time of the presentation of the red wines to the certification. Art 3. The delivery of the label envisaged with the article 1st of this decree is subordinated to the tasting and the preliminary analysis of a sample of the wine for which is claimed the benefit of the mention “delimited Wine of higher quality”. The procedure to be followed for the delivery of the label is fixed by the rules of procedure approved by the decree of November 15, 1961.

Art 4. When the wines profiting from the label of origin “Coast of Saint-

Mount” are offered to public, are dispatched for the sale or are sold under the mention “delimited Wine of higher quality”, name must be accompanied of the aforesaid the mention in apparent characters in the leaflets, posters, advertisements and all means of publicity, on the unspecified labels and containers like on the invoices and parts of control. A label delivered in! be conditions determined in the rules of procedure aimed to article 3 of this decree is affixed by the bottlers on the stopped containers containing these wines. Art 5. The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a wine is entitled to the label of origin accompanied by the mention in question, whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the repression of the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin, without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary.

Art 6. The director of the production and the exchanges and the director of quality (Fraud Squad and of the quality control) are charged, each one in what relates to it execution of this decree, which will be published in the Journal officiel de la République française. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19810325_48202/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOVDQS_Cotes_de_Saint_Mont_-
