AOVDQS Châteaumeillant machine translated reference / legal text
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Art 1st. -
Only can be put on sale and to circulate for the sale, under the label of origin “Châteaumeillant” the wines which, profiting under the terms of the law from May 6, 1919, modified by the law of July 22, 1927, of this label of origin, will be supplied with a label under the conditions fixed at the present decree. Mention of this label with its number must be related to the titles of movement.
Art 2. -
The conditions to which these wines must answer are as follows: I. - Surface of production Department of Expensive: communes of Châteaumeillant, Reigny, St-Maur and Vesdun. Department of Indre: communes of Champillet, Feusines, Néret and Urciers. The surface of production, thus defined, will be delimited by experts appointed by the management Committee of the National Institute of the Labels of origin of the wines and brandies, and the plans establish by their care will be, after approval by the National Institute of the Labels of origin, deposited in the town halls of the common interested parties. II. - Encépagement (Replaced, A. of December 18, 1978). Black Gamay with white juice, gray pinot, pinot black. III. - Alcoholometric Title (Replaced, A. November 17, 1983) - to be entitled to the label of origin “Chateaumeillant”, the wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 9 p. 100. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 144 grams per liter of must for the red wines and than 136 grams per liter of must for the white and rosy wines. Moreover, when the authorization of enrichment by dry sugaring is granted, the wines should not exceed a maximum total voluminal title alcoholometric of 12,5 p. 100 under penalty of losing the right to this name. However, the benefit of name can be granted to the wines of a total voluminal title alcoholometric higher than the limits referred to above and worked out without any enrichment, if the informant justifies of a certificate issued by the national Institute of the labels of origin (I.N.A.O.) after investigation carried out into his request presented before the vintage of the vines concerned. The notifications of the exemptions aimed to the preceding subparagraph must be addressed to the local services of the general direction of the taxes and the direction of the consumption and the repression of the frauds. The limits aimed to the subparagraphs above can be modified when the climatic conditions justify it by joint decree of the Minister for agriculture and the minister in charge of consumption, on proposal of the I.N.A.O., after opinion of the interested producers' associations. IV. - Quantum with the hectare The quantum with the hectare envisaged by article 5 of the decree of November 30, 1960, modified by the decree n° 64-280 of March 26, 1964, is fixed at 45 hl per hectare of vines in production. The young vines can enter on the spot the calculation of the surface planted only starting from the fourth sheet (this one included/understood) after grafting or installation of marble-grafted.
Art 3. -
The delivery of the label envisaged with the article first is subordinated to the tasting and the preliminary analysis of a wine sample for which is claimed the benefit of the mention “delimited Wine of higher quality”. The procedure to be followed for the delivery of the label is fixed by the rules of procedure approved by the decree of November 15, 1961.
Art 4. -
When the wines profiting from the label of origin “Châteaumeillant” are offered to the public dispatched for the sale or sold under the mention “label of origin delimited wine of higher quality”, (Payment E.E.C. n° 997/81, art 2), the label of origin will have to be accompanied of the aforesaid the mention in apparent characters in the leaflets, posters, advertisements and any means of publicity, on the unspecified labels and containers like on the invoices and parts of control. A label delivered under the conditions determined in the rules of procedure, aimed to article 3 of this decree will have to be affixed by the bottlers on the stopped containers containing these wines.
Art 5. -
The use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a wine is entitled to the label of origin accompanied by the mention in question whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the repression of the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19650218_15202/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOVDQS_Chateaumeillant_-_1983.doc