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AOC Saint-Emilion machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of July 1, 2004 modifying the decree of January 11, 1984 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Saint-Emilion” and “Saint-Emilion Great Vintage” - J.O n° 157 of July 8, 2004 page 12340 text n° 40

Article 1Pour to be entitled to the appellation contrôlées “Saint-

Emilion” or “Saint-Emilion great vintage”, the red wines must be collected: On the territory of the following communes: Saint-Emilion, Saint-Christophe-of-Bards, Saint-Laurent-of-Combes, Saint-Hippolyte, Saint-Étienne-of-Smooth, Saint-Pey-in Armens, Vignonet, Saint-Sulpice-of-Faleyrens; In the surface of production delimited by the national committee of the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies in its meetings of November 16, 1938 and November 4, 1982; In the surface of production delimited by the national committee of the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies in its meeting of September 15, 1977 and included/understood on the part of the territory of the commune of Libourne, limited to the south by the brook West-east Capelle and its prolongation to the Dordogne, in the East by the communes of Saint-Emilion and Pomerol, with North by the trunk road 10 (a) Bordeaux-Paris and with the West by the limit Are Livornese agglomeration.

Article 2Pour to be entitled to the appellation contrôlées “Saint-

Emilion” or “Saint-Emilion great vintage”, the wines must obligatorily come from following type of vines, other than all others: Frank cabernet (NR), cabernet-sauvignon (NR), carmenère (NR), cot or malbec (NR), merlot (NR).

Article 3Pour to be entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Saint-

Emilion”, the red wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity and to present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 10,5%.Ne can be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 171 grams per liter of must. The wine making will have to be made in accordance with the local practice. The nologic practices ? in conformity are authorized with the regulation in force other than the concentration which is prohibited. When the authorization of enrichment by dry sugaring is granted, the wines should not exceed a maximum total voluminal title alcoholometric of 13% under penalty of losing the right to name. However, it benefit of name can be granted to the wines of a total voluminal title alcoholometric higher than the limit referred to above and worked out without any enrichment if the informant justifies of a certificate issued by the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies, after investigation carried out into its request presented before the vintage of the vines concerned. The notifications of the exemptions aimed to the preceding subparagraph must be addressed to the local services of the general direction of the taxes and the direction of the consumption and the repression of the frauds. The limits aimed to the subparagraphs above can be modified when the climatic conditions justify it by joint decree of the Minister for agriculture and the minister in charge of consumption on proposal of the Institute national of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies, after opinion of the interested producers' associations. To be entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Saint-Emilion great vintage”, the red wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity; the grape harvest presenting more than damaged or sick grape 20% must be sorted. The wines must present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 11%.Ne can be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 171 grams per liter of must. The wine making will have to be made in accordance with the authorized locauxSont uses the nologic practices ? in conformity with the regulation in force, other than the concentration which is prohibited. When the authorization of enrichment by dry sugaring is granted, the wines should not exceed a maximum total voluminal title alcoholometric of 13% under penalty of losing the right to name. However, the benefit of name can be granted to the wines of a total voluminal title alcoholometric higher than the limit referred to above and worked out without no enrichment if the informant justifies of a certificate issued by the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies, after investigation carried out into its request presented before the vintage of the vines concerned. The notifications of the exemptions aimed to the preceding subparagraph must be addressed to the local services of the general direction of the taxes and the direction of the consumption and the repression of the frauds. The limits aimed to the subparagraphs above can be modified when the climatic conditions justify it by joint decree of the Minister for agriculture and the minister in charge of consumption, on proposal of the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies, after opinion of the interested producers' associations.

Article 4Pour to be entitled to the controlled labels of origin “Saint-

Emilion” or “Saint-Emilion great vintage”, the wines must answer the provisions of the decree n° 74.872 of October 19, 1974. The basic output aimed to the article 1st of the aforesaid decree is fixed, by hectare of vine in production with: 45 hl for the appellation contrôlée “Saint-Emilion”; 40 hl for the appellation contrôlée “Saint-Emilion great vintage”. (Modified, D. 87-854 of October 22, 1987). The benefit of the controlled label of origin can be granted to the wines coming from the young vines only as from the second year following that during which the plantation was carried out on the spot before August 31. Article 5Le only mode of size authorized is the Guyot size simple or double with a maximum of fifteen eyes per foot. The density of feet to the hectare will not have to be lower than 5.000 feet.

Article 6 -

(Replaced, D. of July 1, 2004) 1° the wines with name D ? controlled origin “Saint-Emilion” and “Saint-Emilion Great Vintage” cannot be put in circulation without a certificate D ? approval delivered by L ? national Institut of names D ? origin, under the conditions envisaged with articles R. 641-94 with R. 641-98 of the code rural.2° the wines for which is asserted L ? name D ? controlled origin “Large Saint-Emilion Vintage” cannot be approved without L ? obtaining preliminary D ? a certificate D ? aptitude, according to provisions' envisaged with articles R. 641-94 with R. 641-98 of the rural code, under the conditions specified by the rules of procedure envisaged with L ? article 1st of L ? stopped of December 7, 2001 referred to above. The examinations analytical and organoleptic organized for the delivery of the certificate D ? aptitude proceed under the conditions fixed by L ? stopped of December 7, 2001 referred to above and specified in the rules of procedure envisaged by the aforementioned decree. The wines having obtained a certificate D ? aptitude cannot be presented at the examinations analytical and organoleptic for the delivery of the certificate D ? approval qu ? from January 1 of the second year following that of harvest.

Article 7L' use of the rankings “great vintage classified as” or “first great classified as vintage” is reserved for the wine exploitations having been the subject of an official classification approved by joint decree of the Minister for the agriculture and the Secretary of State in charge of consumption, after opinion of the trade union interested on proposal of the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies. The wines which result from these exploitations must answer the conditions of production fixed forname “Saint-

Emilion great vintage”. Can appear to that the classification only the wine exploitations which answer the provisions of the payment fixing the requirements to be able to profit from the ranking “great classified as vintage” or “first great classified as vintage”. (Payment of January 11, 1984 - OJ of January 13). This payment, after opinion of the interested trade unions and on proposal of the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies, is subjected to the approval of the Minister for agriculture and the minister in charge of consumption. The classification referred to above is valid for ten years as from the publication of the decree of homologation.

Article 8Les wines for which, under the present decree, are asserted the appellation contrôlées “Saint-

Emilion” or “Saint-Emilion great vintage” not being able to be declared after harvest, to be offered to the public, to be dispatched, put on sale or sold without in the declaration of harvest, the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, containers unspecified, the name oforigin referred to above is accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée”, in very apparent characters.

Article 9L' use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a wine is entitled to the appellation contrôlées “Saint-

Emilion” or “Saint-Emilion great vintage”, whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the labels of origin, without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary.

Article 10Le decree of November 14, 1936 modified relating to the definition of the appellation contrôlées “Saint-

Emilion”, “Saint-Emilion great vintage”, “Saint-Emilion great vintage classified as” and “Saint-Emilion first great vintage classified as” is repealed. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19840111_63402/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOC_Saint-Emilion_-_2004.doc