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AOC Saint-Amour machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of July 2, 1992 relating to the controlled labels of origin, and - J.O Number 157 of July 8, 1992 Decree of March 19, 1998 relating to certain labels of origin controlled of the Burgundy area - J.O n° 72 of March 26, 1998 Decree of October 19, 1998 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Brouilly”, “Chénas”, “Chiroubles”, “Flowered”, “Morgon”, “Mill-with-wind”, “Saint-Amour”, “Juliénas”, “Coast of Brouilly” and “Régnié” - J.O n° 244 of October 21, 1998 Decree of November 26, 2004 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Brouilly”, “Chénas”, “Chiroubles”, “Flowered”, “Morgon”, “Mill-with-Wind”, “Saint-Amour”, “Juliénas”, “Coast of Brouilly” and “Régnié” - J.O n° 277 of November 28, 2004 page 20271 text n° 63

Article 1Seuls are entitled to the appellation contrôlée “Saint-

Amour” (Saone-et-Loire) the red wines which, answering the conditions hereafter, were collected on the territory of the commune of Saint-Amour in the pieces indicated by the commission of experts named by the management committee of the national committee of the labels of origin. The plan of these pieces, established by their care, will be, after approval of the national Committee, deposited with the town hall of Saint-Amour.Les wines produced respectively on each one of these climates, parts of communes or localities included/understood in this surface of production will have right to associate with controlled communal name “Saint-Amour” the name of their climate of origin in the condition that this name is placed after that of the appellation contrôlée printed in identical characters and that the wines answer the particular regulations envisaged with the article 3.

Article 2 -

(Replaced, D. October 19, 1998) to be entitled to the controlled label of origin, the wines must come from the black type of vine gamay. The use to incorporate in mixture in the vines intended to produce wines with labels of origin controlled a certain number of seedlings dechardonnay, white grape or melon, and of which the total percentage can amount to 15% to the maximum, remains authorized.

Article 3 -

(Replaced, D. October 1, 1985, Replaced, D. October 19, 1998) to be entitled to the controlled label of origin, the wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 10%. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 162 grams per liter of must. Moreover, when the authorization of enrichment by dry sugaring is granted, these wines should not exceed a total voluminal alcoholometric title of 13%, under penalty of losing the right to name. The wines for which the addition of the name of the climate of origin was asserted to that of the controlled label of origin must come from collected grapes with good maturity and present a minimum natural voluminal title alcoholometric of 10,5%. Cannot be regarded as being with good maturity any unit batch of vintage having a high content in sugar lower than 171 grams per liter of must.

Article 4. -

(Modified, D. August 26, 1982, Replaced, D. October 19, 1998; Replaced D. Nov 26, 2004) the basic output aimed at L ? article R. 641-73 of the rural code is fixed at 58 hectolitres per hectare. The output stop aimed at L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is fixed at 63 hectolitres per hectare. The best performance of production aimed at L ? article R. 641-78 of the rural code is fixed at 70 hectolitres per hectare. The benefit of the aforesaid name D ? controlled origin cannot be asserted on the pieces which N ? were not completely collected.

Article 5 -

(Replaced, D. October 19, 1998; Replaced D. Nov 26, 2004) the wines come from vines planted and cut according to following provisions': has) Control of the vines: The pieces of vines are arranged and cultivated in the respect of the inherent characteristics of the grounds and L ? environment, in particular with L ? scale of the basins slopes. The pieces of vines are led in accordance with a technical reglementation adopted by the national committee of the wines and brandies of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the time of the meeting of the 27 and May 28, 2004 and whose respect is controlled under the conditions envisaged with L ? article R. 641-83 of the rural code. This technical payment can be consulted near the services of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin and the trade union of defense of L ? name. b) Density of plantation: The vines have a minimal density of plantation of 6.000 feet at L ? hectare. However, the vines places from there before November 26, 2004 can present, after partial pulling up, a density of settlement ranging between 5.000 and 6.000 feet with L ? hectare jusqu ? with their complete pulling up and at the latest jusqu ? with harvest 2034 included, provided D ? a declaration in particular specifying the designation and the surface of the new pieces or parts of transformed pieces, transmitted to the services of L ? national Institut of names D ? origin at the latest on July 31 of the transformation campaign. These vines are trained in a permanent way in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph B of this article. L ? average spacing between the rows cannot exceed 2,30 meters. For these vines, the limiting ceiling of classification aimed at L ? article R. 641-76 of the rural code is tiny room of 17% compared to the limiting ceiling of classification applicable to the other vines producing the wine of L ? name. The surfaces concerned are mentioned with share in the declaration of harvest. L ? spacing between feet on the same row cannot be lower than 0,8 meter. c) Architecture of the useful foliage: For the trained vines in a permanent way, C ? be-with-statement comprising at least an elevating wire level, the useful height of trained foliage cannot be lower than 0,6 times L ? spacing between the rows. This height is measured between the lower limit of the foliage and the higher limit of trimming. For the not trained vines, the average distance between rows cannot exceed 1,50 meter. D) Cut: Only the following modes of short size are authorized: the vine is led in range, goblet or simple, double cord or charmet. Each foot comprises from three to five coursons cut in one or two frank eyes. For renovation, each foot can also comprise a courson cut with one or two frank eyes on greedy resulting from the old wood. Whatever its mode of size, each foot cannot comprise on the whole more than ten frank eyes and eight branches developed carrying bunches after disbudding, called pruning locally. The term ? pruning is included/understood like L ? removal of any useless or undesirable branch.

Article 6 -

(Replaced, D. March 29, 1985, Modified, D. March 19, 1998; Supplemented D. Nov 26, 2004) to be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Saint-Amour”, the wines must come from collected grapes whole, with good maturity and vinified in accordance with the local practice. These wines cannot present, after fermentation, a sugar content fermentable higher than 2 grams per liter. They will profit from all the oenological processes currently authorized by the laws and payments in force.

Article 7 -

(Supplemented, D. July 2, 1992) the wines for which, under the present decree, will be asserted the appellation contrôlée “Saint-Amour” could not be declared after harvest, be offered to the public, be dispatched, put on sale or be sold without, in the declaration of harvest in the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, invoices, containers unspecified, the label of origin referred to above being accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée” in characters very apparent. The mention “Believed of the Beaujolais wine” can be reproduced on labelling. Dimensions of the characters of this mention should not be higher, as well in height as in width, to two thirds of that of the characters composing the name of name.

Article 8L' use of any indication or any sign likely to make believe in the purchaser that a wine is entitled to name “Saint-

Amour”, whereas it does not answer all the conditions fixed by this decree, will be continued in accordance with the general legislation on the frauds and the protection of the art, labels of origin (L. August 1, 1905 1st and 2; L. May 6, 1919, art 8; D. August 19, 1921, art 13), without damage of the sanctions of a tax nature, if it is necessary. Warning: Information pré senté be on this site are the subject of a clause of nonresponsabilité INAO_19460208_67302/11/2006 Downloadable document: AOC_Saint-Amour_-_2004.doc