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AOC Cotes du Roussillon Villages machine translated reference / legal text

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Decree of October 2, 1992 relating to the controlled labels of origin, and and with encépagement and the output of the vineyards in the exploitations producing of - J.O Number 235 of October 9, 1992 Decree of January 2, 1995 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 6 of January 7, 1995 Decree of May 4, 1995 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 107 of May 6, 1995 Decree of October 9, 1995 relating to the controlled labels of origin “Faugères” and “Coasts of the Roussillon-Villages” - J.O Number 237 of October 11, 1995 Decree of August 14, 1996 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 198 of August 25, 1996 Decree of October 2, 1997 relating to the controlled label of origin - J.O Number 236 of October 10, 1997 Decree of March 6, 2003 modifying the decree of March 28, 1977 relating to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” - J.O n° 61 of March 13, 2003 page 4350

Art 1st. -

Only to the appellation contrôlée “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” the red wines answering the conditions fixed are entitled hereafter.

Art 2. -

(Replaced and Supplemented, D. January 2, 1995) - the surface of production of the wines being entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” is delimited inside the geographical surface consisted the territory of the communes indicated in article 3.

Art (à). -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages”, the wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited by piece or part of piece, such as it was approved by the national Committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin during the meeting of the 25 and June 26, 1992 on Commission proposal of experts indicated to this end. The limits of the surface of production thus defined are deferred on the cadrastal maps deposited in the town halls of the communes concerned.

Art 3. -

(Supplemented, D. December 6, 1988, Replaced, D. October 9, 1995). - The surface of production is delimited inside the territory of the following communes of the department of the Eastern Pyrenees: Ansignan, Baho, Baixas, Bélesta, Calce, Caramany, Box-of-Bolt, Cassagnes, Corneilla-the-River, Espira-in-the Agly, Estagel, Lansac, Latour-of-France, Lesquerde, Maury, Millas (for the only part of the territory located at the North of the Small fireclay cup), Montalba-the-Castle, Montner, Opoul, Perpignan (for the only part of the territory located at the north of the Small fireclay cup), Peyrestortes, Pézilla-the-River, Planèzes, Rasiguères, Rivesaltes, Saint-Arnac, Saint-Estève, Saint-Paul-of-Fenouillet, Salses, Tautavel, Villeneuve-the-River, Vingrau.

Art 4. -

(Replaced, D. May 4, 1995, repealed and replaced, D. October 2, 1997). - To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages”, the wines must come from an assembly from at least three of following type of vines, other than all others: carignan black, cinsault black, grenache black, lladoner pelut black, syrah black, mourvèdre black, maccabéo. The total of two more important should not exceed 90% of encépagement. The syrah and the mourvèdre, together or separately, must account for 20% of encépagement at least, this percentage passing with 30% starting from harvest 2002. The maccabéo must represent to the maximum 10% of encépagement and is interdict starting from harvest 2002. The carignan must represent to the maximum 60% of encépagement. the cinsaut is interdict starting from harvest 2002. In this article, by the term “encépagement” it is necessary to include/understand encépagement of the whole of the pieces producing the wine of name considered.

Art 5. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages”, the wines must come from grape harvest having a minimal richness of 216 grams natural sugar per liter and present, after fermentation, an alcoholometric title minimum asset of 12°. The wines should not present more than 3 grams of residual sugar per liter.

Art 6. -

Can claim with the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” only the wines answering the conditions of the decree n° 74.872 of October 19, 1974. The basic output aimed to the article 1st of this decree is fixed at 45 hl at the hectare. The percentage envisaged in its article 3 is fixed at 20%. (Supplemented, D. 79.647 of July 27, 1979). The benefit of the controlled label of origin, can be granted to the wines coming from the young vines only as from the third year following that during which the plantation was carried out places from there before August 31. [Percentage of increase envisaged in article 6 of the decree referred to above 74.872 of October 19, 1974 (cf D. modified 75.842 of September 8, 1975): 100% of the annual output of name “Coast of Roussillon”].

Art 7. -

(Replaced, D. October 2, 1992) - the vines producing the wines of the appellation contrôlée referred to above must have a minimal density of 3.000 feet at the hectare and must be led in the short face with a maximum from 6 to 8 coursons of one or two eyes per stock. However, the type of vine syrah can be led in the long face. For the vines led in cords of Royat, the maximum height of basic wire above the ground is fixed at 60 centimetres.

Art 8. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” the wines must come from collected grapes with good maturity. The wines must be obtained by traditional wine making or carbonic maceration. Are prohibited the thermo-wine making, the tanks with automatic reassembly, the vinificators continuous, the drainers with screw and the presses continuous. From the grape harvest of 1982, are also prohibited: Use of érafloirs centrifugal; The use of pumps, whatever is the model, for not picked off vintage. The wines can profit from all the practices authorized by the laws and payments in force, other than the concentration.

Art 9. -

The wines cannot be put in circulation with the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” without a certificate issued by the national Institute of the labels of origin of the wines and brandies under the conditions envisaged by decree 74.871 of October 19, 1974 relating to the examinations analytical and organoleptic of the wines with controlled label of origin.

Art 10. -

(Replaced, D. August 14, 1996) - to be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Caramany”, the wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited by pieces or parts of pieces on the territory of the communes of Bélesta, Caramany and Cassagnes of the department of the Eastern Pyrenees, such as it was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin at its meeting of September 6, 1995. To be able to profit from the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Caramany”, the wines must be vinified on the territory of the communes of Bélesta, Caramany and Cassagnes. In addition to the provisions envisaged in article 4, the wines profiting from the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Caramany” must, starting from harvest 1996, to present in encépagement percentage of syrah equal to or higher than 25 p. 100. To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Caramany”, the type of vine carignan entering this name must be vinified by carbonic maceration. In this article, by the term “encépagement” it is necessary to include/understand encépagement of the whole of the pieces producing the wine of name “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Caramany”.

Art 11. -

The controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” can be followed name of Latour-of-France only for the wines which, at the same time: Answer the conditions of production fixed above; Are collected inside the surface of production delimited in accordance with article 2 above on the following territories: Commune of Latour-of-France; Localities Als Prats, Farmhouse of in Fraixe, Saint Martin's day, Al Cauzert, Alzina, Old Tilery, Couloumines, the Castle of Cuxous, Camp del Petayre, Figuerasse, on the commune of Cassagnes; Roubials locality on the commune of Estagel; Localities Lo Cazot, the Castling of in Taboo, Oulibèdes Large, Bignes Beilles, on the commune of Montner; Localities Montredon, Pla de Montredon, Carouilla, Castagnes, Tourredeille, Peyssière, on the commune of Planèzes; Are vinified on the aforementioned territories. (Supplemented, D. August 14, 1996) -

Art 12. -

To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Lesquerde”, the wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited by pieces or parts of pieces on the territory of the communes of Lansac, Lesquerde and Rasiguères of the department of the Eastern Pyrenees, such as it was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin at its meetings of September 6, 1995 and of the 15 and February 16, 1996. To be able to profit from the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Lesquerde”, the wines must be vinified on the territory of the communes of Lansac, Lesquerde and Rasiguères, and to answer the conditions of encépagement envisaged in article 4. However, the type of vine maccabéo is not authorized and the percentage of syrah and mourvèdre taken together must be equal to or higher than 30 p. 100 of encépagement. To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Lesquerde”, the type of vine carignan entering this name must be vinified by carbonic maceration. In this article, by the term “encépagement” it is necessary to include/understand encépagement of the whole of the pieces producing the wine of name “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Lesquerde”.

Art 13. -

(Added, D. October 2, 1997). - To be entitled to the controlled label of origin “Coasts of Rousssillon Villages” followed by the name of “Tautavel”, the wines must result from grape harvest collected in the surface of production delimited by pieces or parts of pieces, such as it was approved by the national committee of the wines and brandies of the national Institute of the labels of origin at its meeting of March 6, 1997, on the territory of the communes of Tautavel and Vingrau of the department of the Eastern Pyrenees. The plans of delimitation are deposited in the town halls of the communes concerned. To be able to profit from the controlled label of origin “Coasts of the Roussillon-Villages” followed by the name of “Tautavel”, the wines must be vinified on the territories of the communes of Tautavel and Vingrau and to answer the conditions of encépagement envisaged in article 4. However, the black grenache and the lladoner pelut, together or separately, must account for 20% of encépagement at least, and the black carignan cannot exceed 50% of encépagement. To be entitled to name “Coasts of the Roussillon-Villages” followed by the name of “Tautavel”, at least 50% of the Carignan type of vine entering this name must be vinified by carbonic maceration. In this article, by the term “encépagement”, it is necessary to include/understand the whole of the pieces producing the wine of name “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Tautavel”. The wines profiting from name “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” followed by the name of “Tautavel” can leave the wine storehouses of the producers only after one deadline twelve months at least and as soon as possible on October 1 of the year which follows that of harvest.

Art 14. -

(Replaced, D. of March 6, 2003) - the name of the commune of origin envisaged in articles 10, 11, 12 and 13 above cannot appear in the labelling and the publicity of the wines as in characters whose dimensions do not exceed, as well in height as in width, two thirds of those of the characters composing the label of origin.

Art 15. -

The wines for which, under the present decree, the appellation contrôlée is asserted “Coasts of Roussillon Villages” and which are presented under the aforementioned name cannot be declared after harvest, be offered to the public, be dispatched, put on sale or sold without in the declaration of harvest, the advertisements, on the leaflets, labels, invoices, containers unspecified, name referred to above being registered and is accompanied by the mention “appellation contrôlée”, the whole in very apparent characters. On the labels, the words “Coasts of Roussillon” must be registered in very apparent characters: the characters composing the words “Coasts” and “Roussillon” and those composing the word “Villages” must be same dimension, and this one must be at least equal, as well in height as in width, with half of that of the largest characters appear on the label.

Art. 16. -

L'emploi de toute indication ou de tout signe susceptible de faire croire à l'acheteur qu'un vin a droit à l'appellation contrôlée " Côtes du Roussillon Villages " alors qu'il ne répond pas à toutes les conditions fixées par le présent décret est poursuivi conformément à la législation générale sur les fraudes et sur la protection des appellations d'origine, sans préjudice des sanctions d'ordre fiscal, s'il y a lieu. Avertissement : Les informations présentées sur ce site font l'objet d'une clause de non responsabilitéINAO_19770328_25902/11/2006 Document téléchargeable : AOC_Cotes_du_Roussillon_Villages_-_2003.doc